Performing Arts
Our Drama curriculum is designed to develop confidence and concentration – playing games and taking part in different forms of story telling. It comprises of interrelated activities which explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding. It explores themes and issues, creates a safe context in which to do so, and provides for opportunities to reflect on the insights gained in the process. It draws on the knowledge, interests and enthusiasm of the child.
Our lessons aim to ensure that all pupils:
• build confidence and communication skills to approach a wide range of public speaking opportunities.
• improve their concentration span helping them to work on intricate projects over extended periods of time.
• develop empathy and sensitivity to help them understand the viewpoints and emotions of a range of characters
• develop co-operation and teamwork skills to get the best out of each other when striving towards a common goal
• develop self-discipline and encourage them to excel when challenged, developing resilience and grit
• develop creativity and understand the benefits of participation in the arts, performance and creativity.
• evaluate and appreciate the ways in which musicians, composers, playwrights and choreographers achieve their effects and communicate their intentions to an audience, and have an ability to evaluate their own and others’ work in a positive manner.

Our curriculum ensures that pupils are given the opportunity to engage with a range of stimuli to develop critical and creative thinking skills, adopt a role, take part in improvisation, devise scripts and use dance/drama forms and strategies effectively to explore and present ideas. Throughout their time at Eastcourt they will experience live and recorded dance/drama, respond to a variety of texts, and begin to develop an appreciation of theatre styles and vocabulary. Pupils can explore characterisation through the use of masks, costume, props, puppets and electronic media and learn to evaluate their own and others’ work in a positive and productive manner. Drama is cross-curricular and can sometimes link to what classes are studying in other lessons, using subject specific vocabulary.
This area of learning allows learners to develop transferable skills. Our curriculum covers the key components of dance/drama techniques and builds physical, vocal, communication, ensemble and creative skills. As pupils progress through the school, the curriculum can become more skill and knowledge based, depending on the individual student and the best approach to suit their development. It is designed to support the growth of the individual. We hope that our pupils consistently challenge themselves and take risks in the creation and performance of dance/drama in their lessons. We set high expectations of all pupils and believe dance/drama can enable our pupils to grow into more rounded and self-aware young adults.
Pupils have access to a varied dance/drama programme, which allows them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas that they might like to improve upon. They develop a sense of achievement, self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others, and self-reflection. Pupils have to opportunity to discuss and share their own thoughts, opinions and ideas, acknowledging and respecting that these may vary and that this is positive. They are able to enjoy dance/drama in as many ways as they choose – either as listener, performer or creator.
Children have numerous opportunities to develop their skills. Every year, the children put on an Infant Christmas Show, Easter and end-of-year productions, celebrations for different festivals and Infant and Junior concerts. Assemblies regularly include singing and dance/drama too. A highlight of Year 6 is to audition and be chosen for ‘Dance Troupe’ who perform their own routines in the end of year concert.
Opportunities are encouraged from an early age and talents are focused on and developed during lessons.
We hope the pupils learn transferable skills which prepare them for making a positive contribution in society and help them to feel more confident and happier as they grow up.