Our Curriculum
At Eastcourt School we provide a creative curriculum which maximises opportunities for meaningful cross-curricular links and purposeful learning experiences. We believe in learning which combines fun activities with a more formal approach introducing our children to a wide range of knowledge and skills equipping them for the modern world. Children in year 6 are well prepared for the challenges they face in secondary school selection tests, Key Stage 3 and beyond. Our teachers are responsive to individual children’s needs and interests, working within a detailed framework based on the National Curriculum.

Religious Education
As a school we aim to use a variety of active approaches, linked in some cases to other subjects, to explore various religious and non-religious perspectives on issues relevant to our children; providing opportunities for reflection and spiritual development.
They learn to recognise the difference between right and wrong through the study of moral and ethical questions. Exploring issues of religious faith and value, they develop their knowledge and understanding of the cultural context of their own lives.

In Science we focus on practical activities to explore, develop and consolidate scientific ideas, skills, knowledge and understanding.
As a result, by the time the children reach Year 5 they are ready to move from science topics into the 3 explicit areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.