This subject is taught by an ICT specialist teacher. We aim to prepare children for life in a digital world where computers and technology have an ever-changing role to play. As the children develop, we hope that they will become more independent in their use of technology.
At Eastcourt we aim to deliver a high-quality computing curriculum equipping our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand the ever-changing and developing world. Our goal is to offer a broad and exciting computing curriculum; one that caters for all our children’s needs. We recognise that computing has deep links with other subjects including mathematics, science, and design technology, and we try to utilise this cross-curricular nature to embed pupil’s learning across a range of subjects. We include computational thinking, being able to solve problems, applying logic to given tasks and, in particular, programming. Our intention is for pupils to be equipped to use information technology to embed learning, create programs, systems and a range of document types; to ensure that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through ICT, and, above all, to understand how to use ICT safely and responsibly.

Our curriculum is designed so that computing aids pupils’ understanding of many areas of the curriculum, and discrete computing skills are taught by a specialist teacher. These skills are developed across the school starting in Reception and developed from Year 1 onwards. The depth of knowledge and understanding is developed in subsequent years and, by Year 6, pupils learn to apply coding skills to address real-life issues. ICT is embedded across the curriculum, through creating presentations, word processing, computational thinking for the creation of spreadsheets, to understanding the world wide web and, most importantly, safety when using technology.
Pupils make good progress from their own personal starting points. By the end of Year 6 they are able to use technology safely and responsibly and for a range of applications. Pupils are able to apply their understanding of computing to solve many problems, and to present themselves in a creative and stimulating way. Pupils have a strong skill set to take to secondary school, and confidence in their use of technology. Most importantly, pupils are able to use technology responsibly and have developed an enjoyment of learning through such technology.